6 thoughts on “Project 2 – Going Green

  1. Hi Laura!

    Question 3 – Texture:
    What role does texture have in the composition? Identify at least three examples of how texture is used in the composition. (Detail, pattern, space, and/or design). Be specific, if texture missing or weak explain why it is not working. Texture which is within an object which has not been altered cannot be discussed. Ex. grass, water, glass, must be altered to show the designer has modified the textured area.

    I am so glad I got your design for question three! I love how much you used the element of texture in your composition, using it as detail, space and a separating component. My favorite use of texture is that within the turtle, the addition of the plant-life pattern within the body of the turtle helped add to the meaning of the work. The pattern on the turtle displayed what it means to have textural detail. In your background or space, I see two different filters applied to your composition. I am not sure what the bottom half (under the turtle) was originally, but I can see that you applied a textured filter to it. Next, time I might adjust the filter settings so the original piece can be identified, but it still provides detail to the back space. On the top, left part of your composition (above the turtle) I can see a rainbow with a different filter applied, separating it from the bottom texture. I like how both parts of the background (left side) have textures applied, but they are separated by the difference of filters. Awesome job with the use of texture in your piece!

    ~Jackie Howell

  2. Hi Laura,
    Question 1 – Value:
    How is value used in the composition? Include at least three examples of value you identify within the work.(Creates 3-d, use of light and dark, mood, contrast). Be specific, if value is missing or weak include commentary on why it is needed or how it can be added.

    Value is used relativly well in this composition, the overall feel of the piece reminds me of a more “yin-yang” sort of representation. The turtle on the left represents a much darker color spectrum than the bottle on the right shich is nearly white in representation. The mood of the piece is consistant through colo usage. All of the colors are earthtones which is very fitting for this assignment. All in all I would say that the use of light and dark and mood are present. I don’t see the composition as much for 3-D but the change of brightness and contrast to certain images i.e if you made the turtle a bit darker it would look as if it were behind the barrel more. Great job over all!

    John Dear

  3. Hi Laura.
    Question 4 –& & Color:
    Which colors dominate within the composition, are they warm or cool? Are complementary or contrasting colors used in the composition? Give examples if yes? Is emotion associate with specific colors, explain? Colors pre-existing within objects can only be discussed if combined with manipulated colors to create a different color association.
    The rainbow in the background is a settle but intuitive way to expose the white light composition.
    The specifics color on this design gives the sensation of freshness .
    Over all i think that the color elements on this design are very well placed
    Mission Accomplished !!!
    To me the use of color as an element of design on this composition is very well used because combine cold colors that compliment each others and the use of hue on the
    German Santana

    • Hi Laura.
      Question 4 –& & Color:
      Which colors dominate within the composition, are they warm or cool? Are complementary or contrasting colors used in the composition? Give examples if yes? Is emotion associate with specific colors, explain? Colors pre-existing within objects can only be discussed if combined with manipulated colors to create a different color association.

      Mission Accomplished !!!
      To me the use of color as an element of design on this composition is very well used because combine cold colors that compliment each others and the use of hue on the on the different element of the design create a different color association.
      The rainbow in the background is a settle but intuitive way to expose the white light composition.
      The specifics color on this design gives the sensation of freshness .
      Over all i think that the color elements on this design are very well placed.
      German Santana

  4. Question 5 – Personal Perspective
    How effectively was the concept of water sustainability expressed, was water sustainability the main focus? Do you think that this student used the elements of value, emphasis, texture and color effectively to enhance the concept, include examples? How did the emotional branding of the song and example links interplay if at all? If emotional branding different from song and examples, how is it different? If there was text, did the text enhance or take away from the concept, explain?


    With the rainwater runoff collection barrel, you have diffidently expressed water sustainability. Its position in the center of the piece provides emphasis to that main point. In looking at your assets, I’m not sure if these are after some manipulation or simply the cuts of other images. I’m not sure if there are any blue turtles, nor if you added the foliage looking texture to the turtle. Either way, the branding of the song might have been clearer if these aspects were emphasized more; possibly making them more playful. The rainbow could have also used a bit more intensity to add to the feel of the emotional branding. Earth Steward written on the bottle defiantly adds to the emotional branding as the song points out a sense of acquiring a “steward’s nature.” Overall, the composition works well for the purpose.

    Good work! Thank you for allowing me to comment on your project.


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